Seek Not Power, But Empowerment

I have a confession to make. I’ve been bingeing lately… on Netflix. It started as a way to pass the time when I was feeling under the weather, but then I got sucked in. Rather than doing something productive between clients (like writing a blog), I’ve found myself pulled, again and again, back to that addictive bookmark in my browser. House of …

Expression Without Apprehension, Satisfaction Without Guilt

“I didn’t feel expressed.” Jen Hamann’s words still haunt me. Perhaps “haunt” isn’t quite the right word – it does have a bit of a negative connotation. But it’s been over a year since I met the 2013 National Boxing Champion and her words still linger in my being. Jen and I met last year at an event in which …

The Lovebit

Ah the ubiquitous Fitbit. It appears to be the season’s hottest accessory – everyone seems to have one. Sure, it could be a convenient tool. The latest version is a slick little wristband that tracks steps, distance, calories burned, etc. But my question is always, “what is the benefit of this information?” The superficial answer, of course, is that this …

French Fries & Feeling Better

People are always surprised at the things I eat. I don’t “seem like the kind of person” that would order a plate of French Fries off the Happy Hour menu. So when the comments about my food choices start flying around the table, I generally reply with my good old stand-by, “Happy Calories Don’t Count.” It’s easy to assume – …

Why Eating “Whatever You Want” Creates Lasting Health & Wellness

You’d think I’d know better by now. You’d think I’d learn that it’s simply not worth the trouble I get into when I tell people they can eat whatever they want. After all, this little tidbit of news is almost always met with incredulousness or sarcasm and results in a 30-minute lecture on why I’m wrong. So I stand there …

Video 6: Love Your Body To Lose Weight??

I love myself just the way I am…I easily and effortlessly lose weight…I am now my ideal shape and size… Do you need to “love” your body in order to achieve your weight-loss goals? Video 6 in our series provides an unconventional answer and a revolutionary perspective on the issue.

Video 5: Exercise: Listening To Your Body

If you have a New Year’s Resolution to “Exercise and Lose Weight,” you will enjoy the perspective this video offers. Discover the fastest way to strengthen communication skills and develop a strong, happy relationship with your body!