Books & Gifts

Books & Gifts

Find freedom from food
Make peace with yourself
Create a Body You Love

Happy Calories Don't Count
Award Finalist!

Discover the book that started an evolution! A must read for anyone who has painfully struggled with their weight and body image. Weight loss and well-being specialist, Carmela Ramaglia shares her own struggle with diet and exercise and reveals incredible experiences that led her to challenge the traditional weight loss model. With amazing clarity and personal insights, she weaves a tapestry of hope for those struggling with issues around food and exercise, and the pain those obsessions inflict. Carmela eloquently blends principles of psychology and spirituality with the reality of living in a physical body – thereby creating a truly complete picture of how to create happiness – and a body you love!

Food Is Not A "Four-Letter" Word
Award Winner!

The No Diet, No Drama, No BS Way to Create a Body and Life You Love! A comprehensive “how to” book, Food is Not a Four-Letter Word outlines Carmela Ramaglia’s signature Model of Alignment and 5-Step Happy Calories Don’t Count® Method for finding peace and freedom from food and body image issues, while optimizing physical results. And honest and intelligent conversation on personal transformation, specifically in the areas of body image and weight loss, this book addresses everything from the physical to the metaphysical, from body shame to body positivity through the lens of the Happy Calories Don’t Count® approach. This book will show you how to have your cake, eat it too and look great doing it!

Fun Stuff!

Mugs, Apparel and More!
Check out all the fun stuff at the Happy Calories® Store. All of these branded goodies provide a whimsical way to remind you that Happy Calories Don't Count® so you can stay connected with your body out of "Diet Drama Land."