the Happy Calories® Café

The Happy Calories® Café

Find freedom from food
Make peace with yourself
Create a Body You Love

Yeah... I know...

Happy Calories® world is amazing!
you're feeling better and better about yourself and your body
you're eating what you want and you're actually enjoying your food
you're feeling great in your body, moving with more ease and grace

and then Boom!

You’re scrolling through social media - and you see the post... or the ad.
You’re standing in line at the grocery store - and pick up the magazine.
You’re out with friends - and they start talking about their diets & workouts.
You’re going through your closet - and come across that old "skinny" outfit you love.
You’re looking at your Apple Watch, pedometer or other app - and decide to put it on.
You step on the scale...

you're back in "Diet Drama Land"

(with all of the stress, anxiety and drama that goes along with it)

It's not your fault! And I totally get it - it even took me a few years to "get it" and stay out of "Diet Drama Land" - even though I'm the one that created Happy Calories Don't Count®! The "diet and exercise" model is everywhere and it's impossible to avoid.

It's not your fault! And I totally get it - it even took me a few years to "get it" and stay out of "Diet Drama Land" - even though I'm the one that created Happy Calories Don't Count®! The "diet and exercise" model is everywhere and it's impossible to avoid.

That's why there's

the happy calories® café

Sustain the peace, freedom and well-being of Happy Calories® World
With continued monthly group coaching




stay out of diet drama land
(That means you can eat what you want and enjoy it without guilt!)
(That means you feel good in and about your body!)
(That means that monkey is off your back for good!)

the happy calories® alumni café

30% off Private coaching session rates

You and I both know that "Happy Calories®" aren't about the food. But we can have a little fun! This is the Happy Calories® Alumni "Café" after all! Feel free to enjoy treats - or abstain - whatever your body desires! Bring your own - or get ours!

Bring your favorite beverage or treats

Use your favorite mug

Show your spirit with other fun stuff

Award-winning author, speaker and wellness coach, Carmela Ramaglia equips women with the mindsets, frameworks and tools to optimize their weight and wellbeing and to reclaim their lives without diets, crazy workouts, magic mantras, pills or potions. Her signature Happy Calories Don’t Count® Method is the result of reverse engineering the process she discovered through healing and transforming her own painful issues around food, exercise, her body and her weight. Through her online courses, podcast, and group and private coaching programs, she helps women all across the world find peace and freedom from food while creating a body they love.

Award-winning author, speaker and wellness coach, Carmela Ramaglia equips women with the mindsets, frameworks and tools to optimize their weight and wellbeing and to reclaim their lives without diets, crazy workouts, magic mantras, pills or potions. Her signature Happy Calories Don’t Count® Method is the result of reverse engineering the process she discovered through healing and transforming her own painful issues around food, exercise, her body and her weight. Through her online courses, podcast, and group and private coaching programs, she helps women all across the world find peace and freedom from food while creating a body they love.

Powerful Success Stories!

I'm free from food and weight obsession!
Carmela, I wanted to thank you and let you know that you have been the final step for me in my journey to freedom from food and weight obsession. It feels like new ground, as I feel like a new person. Thank you!
~ Rachel
I'm wearing clothes I haven't worn in over 6 years!
I had been thin all my life, but ended up gaining a significant amount of weight while dealing with an illness. I tried for years to shed the excess weight but nothing worked. In one afternoon Carmela helped me see how my relationship to my body and my thoughts about food and exercise had changed when I suddenly had weight to lose. The weight started falling off and now I’m wearing clothes I haven’t worn in over six years!
~ Linda C.
This is the only program that is totally different!
I have to say Carmela that this is really the ONLY program that is completely off the diet and exercise teeter-totter, and I have done a LOT of research. It is seriously amazing, so thank you!
~ Paige K.
I have lost 30 pounds so far!
Just wanted to update you that I have lost 30 pounds so far. WOW! I am SO thankful for you teaching me to trust and build a relationship with my body. I feel so much more connected and tuned in with it. Just wanted to remind you how precious your work is and how much you help.
~ A.M.
Carmela is genius!
Carmela, once again, your ability to make sense of all this and communicate it so clearly is such a blessing…thank you!

Carmela is GENUIS at synthesizing all the various modalities of “self-help” and giving us a means to really heal ourselves.
~ Linda Davie
Thanks for being a beacon of light!
Love you Carmela! Thanks for being a beacon of light, reason AND practical application!
~ Elisheva Herrera
Thank you for confirming what I'd suspected about weight - it's not all about calories in and calories out. I'm just trying to focus on being happy as I am now.
~ Nikki D.
Reading this book changed my life!

My weight loss journey up until Happy Calories Don't Count was a losing game (and I'm not talking about pounds), not a victorious one. After reading this book, my life became a journey of finding my true beauty and health by listening to my body and making choices that aligned with my happiness. Happy Calories Don't Count taught me about awareness. Reading this book changed my life. This is not a typical diet and exercise book (Thank God!).

~ Stacie P.
This program is amazing!
Carmela Ramaglia is one of the most incredible women, beautiful, wise, funny - that I have ever met in my life!
~ Karie P.
The weight fell off while I have had the best gastronomical months of my life!
I’d just like to thank you for everything: the book, the discovery session, and the one-word lifesaver of a tip. *Chill*.

I followed your advice. I went on a ‘research-diet’ and unsubscribed from all of the health blog sites. I haven’t read a single nutrition/fitness article since! And I don’t miss it at all.

Now, I don’t over think the amount of food I put in my mouth, however big or small it may seem. I get off the bus several stops behind my destination, when I feel like it, to stretch my legs and enjoy the weather.

*Calories-shamalories.* I’ve had the best gastronomical (almost) two months of my life because I’ve been so connected with my hunger and appetite. I’ve been eating the crème de la crème without losing my mind because I’ve practiced the habit of stopping when I’m full.

Sure enough, the weight fell off. I am now free to enjoy my courses and have the confidence to present my work in class.

And abovie all, if I never lose another single pound, I've discovered the things that make me *happy* an my head-space is a lot sunnier as a result.
~ Sheila G
Everything finally feels right and I feel like a new person!
Carmela, I wanted to thank you and let you know that you have been the final step for me in my journey to freedom from food and weight obsession. Just the other day, I had a moment of surrender that made me realize the fight was over, just like the surrender you've talked about. I finally quit, I didn't need to fight food or myself any longer. It happened a few days after I gave up on the lingering diet mentality thoughts (thanks to you and the teeter totter diet idea), there was no more problem to hold on to. Like I posted before 'I want to work with my body and not with a diet,” this phrase came to me like your phrase “happy calories, don't count,” which I absolutely love, because it is utterly true they don't. It's nice to eat what I want, when I wanted without the idea that I am “bad” for “emotionally eating.” What a big misunderstood concept. You cleared that all that up for me. When I surrendered, I realized that there was never a problem with me, I didn't need to be fixed because I was never broken. I was just not in alignment with myself (a new and exciting term I learned from you), and now I understand what self sabotage actually is, it is being out of alignment with yourself. Plus, I can finally have the relationship that I wanted with my body now that the fight is over. I simply don't care what I do with food, I give it no attention. Everything just feels right. Food really doesn't bother me anymore because I refuse to give it any power over me. I am choosing to not focus or get emotionally involved with it. Food is just food and how I feel physically and emotionally matter more to me than trying to live up to any standard. I just let things happen and follow what feels good and makes me happy. It feels like new ground, as I feel like a new person. Thank you!
~ Rachel H.