Tuning The Dial

I really hope I’m not becoming a Grinch in my “old age,” but I seem to be quoting him a lot lately. “Oh the noise, noise, noise, noise!!” And no, I’m not referring to my husband’s new tube amp currently taking center stage in our living room. I’m talking about the cacophony of cultural noise. Attached to nearly every industry …

What Are They Eating?

“Give it another few weeks,” I offered, “generally by mid-February things are back to normal.” My friend was lamenting the fact that he actually had to wait for a treadmill at the gym. All those “New Year’s Resolutioners” were cramping his style. And style he does have. His clothes always fit nicely over his well-chiseled physique, an apparently obvious reflection of his …

Selling The Problem…

“I have a confession,” my friend gently offered. “I signed up for Weight-Watchers.” I quickly assured her that there is nothing inherently wrong with following any type of structured diet and exercise program – including Weight-Watchers. My previous comments – which led to her confession – were simply a way to illustrate the ever growing and dysfunctional cultural dynamic regarding …

Body vs Beast

“I am so sorry I won’t be able to make our date today. Something unexpected came up and I’m against a deadline. Can I please make it up to you tomorrow?” Suddenly, the tightness in my chest released and the tingling in my shoulders dissipated. My body had said, “Ok.” And I kept that promise. I got up early and …

Politics, Religion & Weight

“Have you seen all those signs around town?” my friend asked. “The ones that show all those hip, cool people and say ‘I’m a Mormon.’ What’s up with that?” “I can’t say for sure,” I answered. “But I would guess that it’s because Mitt Romney is Mormon, and his supporters don’t want that to be an issue in his presidential …

They Have Their Hooks In You…

Pop Quiz: What do these statements have in common? 1) Is your house making you sick? 2) The secret your spouse is keeping from you… 3) The financial mistake that will cost you your marriage. 4) Which low-lying areas will be hit hardest? If you said that these statements all sound like they could be sound bites for Good Morning America, Dr. …

Food For The Fun Of It

The other day I found myself driving behind a Frito-Lay truck and noticed their slogan painted on the back panel – “Food For the Fun of It.” Of course, I think this is a fabulous phrase and completely in line with the principles of Happy Calories Don’t Count. But unfortunately, the idea of “food for the fun of it” is …

Money, God & Weight

There is one subject that gets compared to weight-loss more than any other topic – money. It seems innocent enough. You balance your checking account, why wouldn’t calories be the same? If you are trying to lose weight, helpful friends and some “experts” might encourage you to “budget” your calories. You must know, after all, that your favorite dish is …

Mirror Mirror On The Wall…

I love a good fairy tale – fairy tales have happy endings.  So of course when my Internet home page featured an all day ad promoting the new TV show, Once Upon A Time, I was compelled to give it a look-see. The basic premise of the show is that the Wicked Queen from Snow White put an evil curse on all our …

Pickles & Ice Cream

What do french fries, honey mustard, applesauce, cheese stuffed pretzels, sauerkraut, pickle juice, peanut butter and pineapples have in common? Go on…think about it for a moment…it’s a puzzler…unless, of course, you’re pregnant. Yep, these are some of the “crazy” things different women have craved during pregnancy. And interestingly enough, the women surveyed gladly “gave in” to these cravings. I …