Does Your Body Trust You?

Does your body trust you? Do you even think about it? I just saw a post on social media that started with “The eating plan I’m on now…” – now, being the operative word. It seems like every month this person is on a new eating plan – by a new doctor – backed by new “research.” And I can’t …

How To “Co-Create Your Reality”

One of my readers asked for a specific example regarding my latest blog post – What Do YOU Mean By The “Law of Attraction.” Since my response would have ended up as long and involved as a regular post, I get a two for one! So here it goes. There are a lot of good old catch phrases floating around – things …

What Do YOU Mean By “Law of Attraction?”

“Do you believe in the ‘Law of Attraction’?” The event organizer at a recent luncheon I attended asked this question to begin the program. It seemed like every hand – except mine – shot into the air. I hesitated. I know what I believe, but I didn’t know what she meant by the “Law of Attraction.” Some people say that …

The One Diet That Works For Everyone

If it weren’t for the calendar – or the dreary, grey, rainy Seattle days – I’d know what month it is by all of the commercials and morning talk show segments focusing on weight loss. I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but it seems to me that the news media offers less and less actionable “news.” Perhaps it …

A Milkshake Experiment

If there’s one lesson Life has tried to teach me again and again these last few years it is this: people – and their perceptions and world views – are a product of their life experiences. Case in point: much of the time “Happy Calories Don’t Count” is met with incredulousness or confusion. But every now and again, when I …

An Attitude Of Gratitude

I recently had the opportunity to see the film Embrace by Taryn Brumfitt of the Body Image Movement. Last year I had written a blog post based on the movie trailer, so I was very excited to finally see the entire film. My biggest take-away from seeing the film is gratitude. As the filmmaker interviewed countless women from around the world about their body …

How To Survive Holiday Festivities, Families & Food

Trick or Treat! The holidays are here! Every year I end up writing the same basic blog post to get us all ready for the season. So I thought I’d change it up a bit. Instead of describing all the ways the traditional “tips and tricks” to avoid holiday weight gain actually keep us stuck in dysfunctional dynamics, I’m going …

The Power Of The Purse

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” This quote by Rumi – and the similar one by the Unknown Monk – have been on my mind lately. Three times in the last week I’ve had conversations with people who have been all riled up in their feelings …

The Promise of Happy Exercise®

“In ten sessions you will feel the difference. In twenty sessions you will see the difference. And in thirty, you’ll have a whole new body.” This is the promise of Joseph Pilates. And as every new client passes the 10, 20 and 30-session mark I ask them about their experience. Do they feel different after 10 sessions? Can they see a difference after 20 sessions? Do …

A Spade By Any Other Name…

“No problem can be solved by the same level of consciousness that created it.” There is no other quote that so succinctly and profoundly describes how the paradigm shift offered by the Happy Calories Don’t Count® methodology truly and completely solves weight and body image problems. So I did a little research. After all, if I’m going to quote Einstein I …