It IS About The Food – Until It’s Not

“It’s not about the food! It’s about all that unresolved emotional stuff.” This is pop-psychology 101 for anyone who’s ever read about or dealt with emotional eating or an eating disorder. In fact, this perspective is so cliché that it even prompted the creation of Happy Calories. (A Pilates client was – once again – bemoaning her drama with chocolate. I …

The Power Of Relaxing Into Today

I don’t believe in magic. I know from first hand experience that there is always a gaff, a sleight of hand or some other trick. Magic is great for entertainment – but the metaphysical “magic” floating around the self-help and personal growth industries will do absolutely nothing to help you create the freedom, peace, happiness – and the body that …

My Lips Are Not Sealed

Compliments are interesting things. There are the generic “you look nice today” or “great job!” compliments that feel good in the moment, but are quickly forgotten. And yet these same positive affirmations can also elicit a negative reaction when the compliment does not align with the current state of being of the recipient. There are the compliments that are really …

Faith vs Fantasy

Faith versus fantasy. I’ve been pondering this idea for quite some time. What exactly is faith? And how is it different than fantasy? These questions fascinate me – and they are particularly relevant both in my work as an actress and in my work as a body image/weight loss coach. “Having faith” is a common theme in acceptance speeches, commencement …

I Want You To Want Me

Your body and I have a lot in common. I want you to want me. Call me naïve, but I want you to read the blog posts I publish and the newsletters I send out because they are from me – not because they have some snappy “hot headline.” Although I have to admit, I do enjoy a good Cheap Trick… (Pun totally intended …

The Benefits of Bingeing

“Great! How are you??” That’s the socially acceptable answer when someone asks how you are. But when my good friends ask, I can share what’s really going on. “It’s January.” The winter bug-a-boos are a seasonal reality, and I’m not ashamed to admit that I cope with them by bingeing. It’s easier to forget that it’s dark and gloomy outside when …

Real Eating Disorder Recovery = Complete Freedom

I’m going out on a limb here and embracing my snarkiness. I really do try to be a nice, kind, loving person – but every now and again a girl needs to let loose with the attitude. And it seems to suit me. Some of my best material comes from it. Case in point: many years ago, a Pilates client …

3 Massive Mistakes That Keep You Famished, Frustrated & Fat

Festivities, Families and Food – it’s the Holiday Trifecta. If you’re looking to maintain that waistline (or perhaps even shed a few pounds), the best time to start is right now. Of course, the present moment is really the only time you can start anything. But I’m talking about starting now – during the holidays. This is the time when you are …

Dinner’s At 6:00

Trick or Treat! This is usually the time of year when I write about emotional eating – and why it’s actually good for you. This is the time of year when every magazine, blog and morning talk show features “experts” with “tips and tricks” to avoid the dreaded holiday weight gain – and when I write about how the underlying …

Zen & The Art of Weight Loss

Yes, you are correct. Both the title and this post itself were inspired by that literary classic, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. This was required reading for everyone in my college dorm – everyone, that is, except me. For some reason, my philosophy syllabus included Kierkegaard, Goethe and Nietzsche. I missed out on the Zen. So a few weeks …