Embrace Appreciation, Embrace Empowerment

A friend of mine shared a video on my Facebook page the other day. It was a movie trailer for the film, Embrace. The filmmaker, Taryn Brumfitt, had been running into challenges marketing her film, so she took to social media to spread the word. Good for her – You Go Girl!! I truly support her message and her project. There are women suffering from …

Highway To Hell

As a loud and proud 80’s Rocker Chick, I had to pay homage to AC/DC with the title of this post. However, the subject I want to explore has more to do with the proverb, The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions. Hmmm… I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. To make sure that I had remembered the …

The True Price Of Happiness

Last week, while sitting in traffic, I noticed an odd sensation wash over me. I was 45 minutes into what would ultimately be a 90-minute commute, and I initially thought I was feeling a sense of resignation. I, like many in the Seattle area, have learned to accept the fact that obscene traffic has simply become a way of life. (My …

A Body Like Hers

With the latest celebrity outcry over Photoshop (Meghan Trainor pulled her “Me Too” music video off the internet due to the unauthorized digital retouching of her waist), it seems a blog post is in order. First off, I have no dog in this fight. I am neither for nor against digital retouching – authorized or not. The bone I pick …

The Four-Way Test

Every now and again I’ll get a phone call from a company executive asking me to speak to their employees as part of their company wellness program. Generally, I’m the last person they call. By the time they reach me, they’ve already spent a summer doing a “Biggest Loser” contest, a Fitbit challenge or have given the entire staff personal …

Facelifts & Photoshop

I got a facelift! Well…technically it was my website that got the makeover. But since I’m the one who built it, I did suffer quite a few pains during the procedure – and I definitely needed some downtime to recover. This project stretched me in many ways (still going with the facelift gag…), but there was one area in particular …

A Valentine’s Guide To Weight Loss & Well-Being

Ah Valentine’s Day! It’s 45 days into 2016 – how are those New Year’s Resolutions coming? A friend of mine recently commented that she no longer has to wait for a treadmill at the gym… Don’t worry. I’m not going to hassle, berate or shame you for not going to the gym – or for sneaking some of that Valentine’s …

Oprah, Weight Watchers & Playing “Games”

Yup – it’s January. Like many in the weight-loss and wellness industry, I have been fielding a higher-than-normal volume of inquires regarding my services. And based on all these conversations I’m having with people, two things are abundantly clear. First, there is an underlying assumption in the air that says this: If you are overweight (or not the size you’d like …

From Resolutions To Evolutions

I’ve been musing lately. ‘Tis the ho-ho-ho-holiday season – a time of celebration and joy, peace on earth and good will toward men. Yet even the briefest glimpse of a scrolling Internet headline or an incidental news sound bite clearly illustrates that current world events are anything but. And, as I often do, I wonder how what goes on in …

Life Sucks (and that’s a GOOD thing)

Life Sucks?? Seriously?!? I can only imagine what you might be thinking from the title of this post. Especially from someone who is supposed to be a positive, inspirational role model… especially during Thanksgiving Weekend… So let me explain. I have continued to weather the dark, cold Winter Blues with my newfound drug of choice – the Netflix Binge. As with …