Love Note To MamaCon Mamas

Dear MamaCon Mamas, It was so wonderful to speak with you on Saturday! Thank you for being a fabulous audience and a special thanks to all who came over to chat throughout the day. You are amazing women and I hope that you will be able to develop a relationship with your body that brings you love, abundance, vibrance, beauty, and joy. …

Resurrecting Our Self Esteem

For everyone in Christendom, today is Good Friday. And it seems like an oxymoron to me. I mean, what’s so “Good” about being crucified?? At least the Europeans call it “Holy Friday.” But as the unrelenting optimist I seem to be, I suppose crucifixion is “good” because you can’t have a resurrection without it. And the resurrection is where I …

Hungry For Happiness

Hungry for Happiness… This phrase has been stewing in me for a long time now. I noticed it on a paper liner for the plastic serving trays at an Arby’s restaurant a while back. It was a slogan for their foundation’s fundraising campaign to end childhood hunger. They were approaching the phrase from the perspective that if kids were not …

Happy Calories™ On “The Biggest Loser”

During the Q&A session of a recent speaking engagement, someone asked what I thought of the TV show, The Biggest Loser. Needless to say, I am not a fan. There are many things about the show that concern me. First, there is nothing real about “Reality TV”. These episodes use “real” people instead of actors, but they are constructed through directing and editing. …

Weight Loss Tricks & Self-Help Tools

The Seattle Seahawks are headed to the Super Bowl. While I appreciate that my home team has had an extraordinary season, and while I appreciate the skill, hard work and dedication of the players, and while I’ll dutifully don my 2013 NFC Conference Champions t-shirt on “Blue Friday” and wear it to the game day festivities, I can’t honestly say …

The New Year – All Year

Happy New Year! The New Year can be a wonderful time for self-reflection and self-assessment. It can be a time to take stock, imagine, and chart courses into the future. Yet this time often comes with many pitfalls – especially where commitments toward health and well-being are concerned. As you know, the “diet and exercise” mindset sets us up for …

Your Guide To Easily Navigating The Holiday Eats & Treats

Thanksgiving is less than a week away and the blogosphere is all a twitter concerning holiday weight gain. One site claims that Americans gain, on average, 5 – 10 pounds during the holiday season and other sites simply “explain” the phenomenon – too much food. And it’s not just the Internet that is focused on this concern. It is the …

Fake It Till You Make It?

There is no better master class intensive for personal growth than being on a film or tv production set. As the founder of and spokesperson for Happy Calories Happy Exercise™, I don’t talk about that other part of my life much. But to answer the question of “how” to apply various principles and tools of self-actualization, I learned to do it through …

Return On Investment vs Return On Relationship

“If I never have to answer that ROI question again, I’ll be a happy woman” my friend said. My friend was speaking to a group of business professionals on the use of social media as a marketing tool. And she began her presentation by addressing the question she is most commonly asked, “How do I determine my return on investment?” …

The “Pilates” Body

Whenever I am the special guest for a teleseminar or radio interview, there is one question that inevitably comes up. How did I learn to connect with my body? I always answer that question truthfully – Pilates. But in the limited amount of time we have during an interview, I never get the opportunity to dive into a deeper discussion. …