Blind To The Problem

If you’re blind to a problem, does the problem still exist? Unlike the tree falling in the forest without anyone to hear it, I don’t remember debating this particular issue in Philosophy 101. But this is a key question to consider if you’ve got drama with your weight. From a “diet and exercise” perspective, you’ve got to take a cold …

Picture “Proof”

I recently received an e-mail from someone saying that she was eager about my program but doubted the results. She thought that it would be nice if I had physical pictures of those who have done my program and that she hopes I prove her wrong in her skepticism. I found these comments fascinating – especially the one about the …

The Pain Is In The Gap

Someone recently posted the following comments on a video in my Critical Key to Sustainable Weight-Loss training series. “Interesting ideas, I have to be truthful here I am a tad leery since I have tried so many costly things to lose weight and the proof was not in the pudding. I am tired of trying and I believe I am …

The Answer In The Back Of The Book

Ah Dr. Vander Beek. If it were not for him, Happy Calories Don’t Count likely would never have existed. No, he’s not a medical doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist – he was my college calculus professor. And one fine day he said something that forever changed the course of my life. I began my freshman year on the computer science/engineering track. …

The Second “Teeter-Totter”

When Happy Calories Don’t Count (neither does unhappy exercise) was published, my biggest fear was that I’d have to go head to head with the diet and exercise industry. Diet and exercise are “science,” right? All I had to go on was personal experience. I thought at best, I’d be written off as uneducated. At worst, I’d be debating Dr. Oz, Dr. …

Got Bread? Got Back?

This past weekend I had the distinct privilege of participating in two different events that each clearly illustrated the amazing dynamics with respect to women, food, and their bodies. I spent Friday working with my good friend, Danna K Johnston, on her foundation’s annual benefit auction. Danna provided a lovely lunch buffet for her volunteers. Yet when she announced that …

The Bright Side of the Dark Side

Nothing sends me to the Dark Side faster than technology – except perhaps typos. So when I discovered that one of the issues of my ezine was published with not one, but two – count them two – typos, I immediately threw a hissy fit. Now I recognize that to the uninitiated, this behavior might seem neither well-adjusted nor enlightened. …

March Hares & Easter Chickens

Spring has sprung, and Peter Cottontail brings with him Easter – the official end of the holiday season. That’s right, the “holiday season” is actually from Halloween until Easter. True, we don’t have the social obligations and lavish feasts that mark November and December, but the grocery store aisles have chocolate and candy displays from Labor Day (the beginning of …

Sustainable Weight Loss

It seems like every time I turn around I bump into a conversation about “sustainability.” Perhaps it’s just the time of year – our little neighborhood is planning its annual Earth Day Celebration. Or perhaps I’m resonating with the same issues currently facing those advocating renewable energy: in creating new, sustainable models – for business, for the environment, for weight-loss …

Fresh Beginnings

So how are you doing on those New Year’s resolutions?? We’re now eight weeks in to 2012… Or do you think the world is coming to an end this December and you just figure you’ll live each day like there’s no tomorrow? Did that sound a bit snarky? It was actually a trick question – I don’t believe in New …