No Tricks – Just Treats

Ah autumn… brisk morning air, colorful leaves, and shorter, cozier days.  If the changing weather isn’t an indication of the changing seasons, the abundance of Halloween candy most certainly is! Halloween and the upcoming holiday season often create more stress than joy – particularly for the weight-conscious. Every media outlet features a plethora of stories that offer “tips and tricks” …

A Whisper To A Scream

I miss the eighties. Not so much the big hair and shoulder pads – I could live without those. I miss the music – everything from Duran Duran to Def Leppard – I love it all. I realize that I could indulge in hair bands and techno pop to my heart’s content with an extra hard drive and an iTunes …

Anecdotes From Italy Part 2

You might wonder what a discussion of art and architecture has to do with one’s state of being, Alignment and Happy Calories Don’t Count. But hang in there. The “moral of the story” will soon be revealed. The cupola, or dome, of Florence’s cathedral is an engineering marvel. It is the first dome in history to be built without a temporary …

Anecdotes From Italy Part 1

The David really is a “Wow!” Being half-Italian, I’ve been blessed with many opportunities to travel throughout Europe and see the finest works of art. And I can point to exactly three times when, upon seeing something, my mind and soul exclaimed, “Wow!” It can seem odd – to have such an emotional response to a sculpture. After all, there are two …

The Chicken & The Egg

Last week I was the special guest for a teleseminar call with the great people over at Good Vibe University ( My host, the fabulous Jeannette Maw, had described me as a “Law of Attraction Weight-Loss Expert.” I paused when I read that – “I don’t focus on Law of Attraction,” I thought. “Oh well. That’s her audience – I …

Solid Foundations?

“But how did you create a solid foundation?” my friend pressed. Dinner parties never fail to surprise me. The subject of Happy Calories Don’t Count inevitably comes up because people learn (or know) what I do, and the point of the party is to enjoy each other’s company and some food. It’s fascinating to me – the different thoughts, feelings, and beliefs …


As a weight-loss coach, the challenge my clients most often face– and the one with the greatest potential for transformation – is acceptance. “How do I accept my body the way it is when I just can’t stand it?” I hear them ask. And I understand their frustration and fear – I used to think that way as well. Weight-loss is still …

Creating Reality vs Controlling Reality

In my experience, there isn’t a phrase that elicits more feelings of empowerment, hope, confusion and pain than the phrase, “Your thoughts create your reality.” To the uninitiated, this phrase is at best accepted as an obvious truth – after all, one can see the glass as half full or half empty. But for many walking the metaphysical and spiritual …

Conscious Action Now

The power of positive thinking is undeniable. But what do you do when you just can’t think a happier thought, or if the happier thought doesn’t do anything to make you feel better? The purpose of the Happy Calories Don’t Count blog is to illustrate how the Happy Calories Don’t Count principles of Alignment are practiced in day-to-day life. Oftentimes, these postings are …

If You Only Knew…

“Do you know how much I love you? Do you have even the slightest idea?” I keep hearing myself say. “If you only knew how much I love you, you couldn’t possibly be scared. I know it’s yucky Baby, but this is going to make you much stronger and happier than you are right now.” As I say this over …