Cause & Solution

“Make sure to give her this if she shows signs of anorexia.” The doctor continued, “Do you know what anorexia is?” Do I know what anorexia is?? The irony is palpable, and some might argue that I’m working out a lot of karma for all the pain I caused my family. But the truth is, my sweet kitty isn’t anorexic. …

Enchanted Anger

Have you seen the movie, Enchanted? It’s a Disney film in which a cartoon fairy tale princess meets real life New York City, and charming hilarity ensues.  The film is quite fun and entertaining, but we can also learn a lot from Giselle. The film begins in a classic Disney cartoon fairy tale land, in a place called Andalasia. Our princess …

The Diet & Exercise Teeter-Totter vs Weight Loss With Alignment

As the author and founder of Happy Calories Don’t Count™, people often ask me what my program is about. And I love these questions. But I’m surprised by how rarely people ask me how Happy Calories Don’t Count is different. Happy Calories Don’t Count is different because it gets you off the teeter-totter. Every weight-loss program available – including the more holistic …

Copernican Consciousness – What Astronomy & Weight Loss Have In Common

If you could imagine that you didn’t know any differently, there is strong evidence to suggest that the Earth is the center of the universe. We can’t feel the spin of our planet on its axis, let alone how it orbits through space. But we do see the sun and the stars travel across the sky. We could make observations, …

True Independence

Summer has finally come to the Pacific NW and once again, a Facebook post is the inspiration for this piece. My friend writes: I don’t usually run if the weather is over 75, but I need to burn off some of those 4th of July calories. I didn’t “Like” or “Comment” on her post because I don’t think she would have …

“Unplanned” Changes

The receptionist at the doctor’s office instructed me to arrive 15 minutes early so that I could fill in the new patient paperwork. After filling out my contact and insurance information, I came to the medical history section. The very first question on this medical questionnaire: Have you had any unplanned changes in your weight? The first question wasn’t about …

Yoplait & The NEDA

Rarely do I get so riled up by something that I am compelled to write a letter to a company. But when this does happen, at least I have the wherewithal to take a few deep breaths and write several drafts before I send it. I want to make sure that my points are clear, well articulated, and build a …

We All Fall Down

A friend of mine posted this on Facebook the other day. “What I learned from my mom today: ‘When I feel myself falling, I just let go and let it happen. I don’t fight it.’ This may be why after falling quite a few times in the past year she hasn’t broken any bones.” How often do we fight the …

Acting For Real

Have you ever seen the first few episodes of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air? I recently saw an interview with Will Smith, and he shared how the show’s creators had developed this television series around him because he was a popular young rap artist, but no one had bothered to ask him if he could act. He described how he was …

Dress Size Matters?

Last night my friend’s car was broken into. The thieves broke her passenger side window and stole her gym bag. Luckily, they were in too much of a hurry to notice her laptop behind the back seat. A police officer arrived to inspect the damage and advise her of her options. At first he was concerned that her gym bag …