The “Price” of Your Ideal Body

What price would you be willing to pay to get the body of your dreams?

This is an honest question – one that I would really like you to consider.

Are you thinking in terms of time and money – to go to the gym, to hire personal trainers, to shop for organic groceries and prepare “healthy” meals? Are you thinking in terms of surgical – and non-surgical solutions? Are you thinking in terms of personal and spiritual growth?

Do you think all of this is silly, vain and a waste of time and that we – as women – should be more concerned about other “more important” things?

Your body is the vehicle through which you experience this life. Therefore, how you feel in your body and how you feel about your body directly impacts the quality of your life.

So join me in a discussion of what it will really “cost” you to create a body and life you love.