are you ready to...

I feel more freedom than I’ve ever felt and the guilt and pressure I’ve always felt around food is little by little, day by day, fading, being replaced by how great I feel in my own skin.
~ Julie Kick
Author, Weathering The Grief Storm
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You see, the "problem" is not you! The "problem" is the conventional, cultural "diet and exercise" model. The "diet and exercise" model is the root of the "food crazies" and the body shame and self-esteem issues.
To truly heal and transform, you need to work with a completely different underlying core model - Happy Calories Don't Count® is that model. You will learn how to find peace and freedom around food AND create a body you love.
I was stuck. I knew from painful years of experience that diets didn’t work. And every alternative weight loss approach I tried left me feeling angry, deprived and frustrated. I thought the problem was me: I had a bad attitude; I needed to try harder.
Then I came upon Happy Calories Don’t Count®, and I had the revelation that the problem wasn’t my failure, it was the failure of the diet and exercise model.
Carmela’s approach is truly revolutionary. She puts forth a new paradigm that not only makes sense, it works.
~ Dana Lightman, PhD
Author, Power Optimism
More Powerful Success Stories!
My weight loss journey up until Happy Calories Don't Count was a losing game (and I'm not talking about pounds), not a victorious one. After reading this book, my life became a journey of finding my true beauty and health by listening to my body and making choices that aligned with my happiness. Happy Calories Don't Count taught me about awareness. Reading this book changed my life. This is not a typical diet and exercise book (Thank God!).