Video 3: Why “Emotional Eating” Is Smart Eating

Many people struggle with “emotional” eating. In this video, Carmela changes the focus of the issue to create clarity and healing. You’ll learn why “Emotional Eating” is the smart way to enjoy your favorite holiday foods.

Photoshop: The Patsy Not The Problem

I love it when other people make my points for me!! While doing some internet research, I stumbled across a blog for Shape Magazine with the headline “Why magazines should never change the size of a cover model’s body.” Well, anyone who’s followed me for any length of time knows that I believe it’s a waste of time and energy …

Breaking Free Of Self-Made Prisons

Many years ago Marianne Williamson said something to me that resonated so deeply, it shifted my entire outlook on wellness. Of course she was speaking to the audience as a whole, but she looked directly at me as she said, “Just because your prison is self-made doesn’t make it any less of a prison.” I think about that statement often …

Why “Emotional Eating” Is Smart Eating

Many years ago a “Mood Magnet” fad swept through the cubicles of office workers around town. The magnets featured 30 cartoon faces expressing emotions that ranged from ecstatic to enraged. The magnets came with a little secondary “window” magnet with the words, “Today I feel…” to highlight which emotion the person wanted to feature at that particular moment. Those “Mood …

A Matter Of Perspective…

Did I really say that?? I’d been going through the filing cabinets, updating and sorting records, when I came across a file of “keepsakes.” In it was a copy of our community newspaper – The Newcastle News – from February 2007. As a local “fitness expert,” the reporter had interviewed me for a story he was working on about New Years Resolutions …

The Happy Calories Happy Exercise® Project

The Happy Calories Happy Exercise® Project – an experiment in social change – healing dysfunctional relationships with food and exercise on a national level to create healthy and happy Americans. This idea has been brewing in me for awhile now. By far, the biggest challenge my clients face when trying to heal their painful relationships with food and exercise is …

Happy Exercise® Coke’s “Happy Cycle” Is Not…

Ah Coke… you’ve done it again. You’ve inspired a blog post with one of your ridiculous commercials. But perhaps that was your intention in the first place. What better way to get even more media attention than to have the blogosphere all a twitter discussing your latest marketing campaign? My clients sometimes wonder why it’s so difficult to heal their …