Rich and Thin

A phrase I don’t hear much anymore is, “You can never be too rich or too thin.” Perhaps it has fallen out of popular favor, but money and weight are still very common analogies for each other. In fact, this came through on Facebook just the other day. My friend:  Dieting is a lot like Deficit Reduction: The problem is …

Deaf Ears

This weekend I learned the most astonishing thing! I had two opportunities to teach Happy Calories Don’t Count, and I discovered that many of the people I thought I could potentially help the most cannot – or will not – hear me. Friday evening’s event was a great mix of speakers and participants. When it was finally my turn to …

Mary E. Mebane On Change

I discovered this excerpt about 20 years ago, I don’t know where. A friend passed it along, or I found it in some magazine somewhere. And although it’s been tucked away in my little “Happy Thoughts” folder all this time, I’ve found myself contemplating it lately. While researching this on Google (to make sure I had the correct credits), I …

The Message Behind The Message

Last week I had another opportunity to speak about my book, Happy Calories Don’t Count (neither does unhappy exercise), on the radio. While I was waiting for the interview to begin, I could hear the program co-hosts discussing an important community issue. Apparently, there is debate regarding a potential advertising sign along some stretch of highway. One of the co-hosts was suggesting …