Video 6: Love Your Body To Lose Weight??

I love myself just the way I am…I easily and effortlessly lose weight…I am now my ideal shape and size… Do you need to “love” your body in order to achieve your weight-loss goals? Video 6 in our series provides an unconventional answer and a revolutionary perspective on the issue.

Video 5: Exercise: Listening To Your Body

If you have a New Year’s Resolution to “Exercise and Lose Weight,” you will enjoy the perspective this video offers. Discover the fastest way to strengthen communication skills and develop a strong, happy relationship with your body!

Video 3: Why “Emotional Eating” Is Smart Eating

Many people struggle with “emotional” eating. In this video, Carmela changes the focus of the issue to create clarity and healing. You’ll learn why “Emotional Eating” is the smart way to enjoy your favorite holiday foods.

Photoshop: The Patsy Not The Problem

I love it when other people make my points for me!! While doing some internet research, I stumbled across a blog for Shape Magazine with the headline “Why magazines should never change the size of a cover model’s body.” Well, anyone who’s followed me for any length of time knows that I believe it’s a waste of time and energy …