Acceptance vs Resignation & Defeat

ACCEPTANCE IS THE KEY TO FREEDOM Why is it so hard to come to a place of peace and acceptance around your body and your weight? This episode illustrates how the concept of acceptance differs significantly between two distinct models of weight loss and well-being. In “Diet Drama Land” acceptance means defeat – you will never achieve your goals. In …

Culture Wars: Diet Culture vs Recovery Culture

DIET VS RECOVERY CULTURE VS TRUE HEALING In the “Diet Culture” vs “Recovery Culture” war everyone loses. This episode discusses what the medical community overlooks when trying to address eating disorders. The resulting “recovery culture” can be just as toxic and deadly as “diet culture” itself. Join me in a conversation about how BOTH “cultures” are healed through the lens …

Toxic Body Positivity

THE NEGATIVE SIDE OF BODY POSITIVITY Is “Body Positivity” really a good thing? Join me in a discussion of how many of the conversations around “body positivity” really do nothing to help women heal and transform their relationships to their bodies and themselves. Learn what you do – and not do – to improve your sense of self, optimize your …

The “Price” of Your Ideal Body

THE PRICE TO GET THE BODY OF YOUR DREAMS? What price would you be willing to pay to get the body of your dreams? This is an honest question – one that I would really like you to consider. Are you thinking in terms of time and money – to go to the gym, to hire personal trainers, to shop …

#Recovered (Eating Disorder)

I finally did it. I broke down and started using a specific hashtag on my Instagram posts.  I have been out of the “eating disorder closet” for over a decade now. I shared a very condensed version of my painful and life-threatening struggles with food and exercise in the first chapter of Happy Calories Don’t Count (neither does unhappy exercise). This …

How To Avoid The Covid 19 (Pounds)

During a recent “virtual meeting,” a colleague suggested we all share our favorite COVID-19 jokes. Another participant replied that this would be inappropriate because COVID-19 is a “very serious matter” and “nothing to joke about.”  “Tell that to the internet,” I thought. This is exactly why we have humor – to help us deal with the tragedies of Life. Have you ever …

Context Is King

It has been said “Context is everything.” And I’ve learned that “they” are correct. So much miscommunication occurs because of the failure to understand the context from which the other party is coming. And this is especially true on our quests for self-help and personal transformation. To be able to effectively navigate your personal journey of self-actualization, it is imperative …

Spread No Drama

And the winner for the best performance in a never-ending food drama is… All of us! As soon as I heard this, I cranked up the radio to hear the rest of the ad. I really should explore getting an ad agency behind me. In a mere 30 seconds, the commercial was able to illustrate the food guilt and diet …

More Than A Makeover

Fidelity Rings really should be a thing. I don’t know if they ever made it to market, or if they’re just a fun idea floating around cyberspace. But I really like the idea, and think we should have them. In case you have no idea what I’m talking about, Fidelity Rings are (or would be) actual rings – like a …