I have a friend who is having a rough time. She is dealing with divorce and her husband is using her children in a manipulative power play. I have another friend who is having a rough time. She is dealing with an unexpected financial obligation. Her savings have been wiped out, and she’s feeling like she will always be living …
The Piano Man Reveals Your True Power
Being a specialist in body image, self-esteem and weight-loss, an issue that I frequently address is the media’s impact on our perceptions of self-worth. There seems to be a great deal of concern about how “they” promote unrealistic standards of beauty to make us feel bad about ourselves. And, that may very well be true. But if it is true, …
Do You Love Me?
Do you love me? Whenever someone asks me to share my thoughts on self-acceptance, body-acceptance or self-esteem, a song from Fiddler on the Roof pops into my head. Do you love me? Fiddler on the Roof is a musical set in 1905 Tsarist Russia. The family patriarch, Tevye, works to balance his family’s Jewish traditions with outside influences – especially where his daughters are …
The Moment Of The New Year
The New Year is often a time of reflection, evaluation and setting intentions. And while these are worthwhile endeavors, they can be achieved in any moment of any day. To put all this “weight” (pun intended) around New Year’s – which is really just an arbitrary moment in time – oftentimes only compounds the pain for those struggling with weight …
Buts And Butts
Conjunction Junction, what’s your function? If you were a kid watching Saturday morning cartoons in the seventies and eighties (and apparently also from 1993 – 1999), you would know: 1) the melody of this song and 2) that the phrase to sing back is, “hooking up words and phrases and clauses.” Schoolhouse Rock taught us all about adverbs (Lolly, anyone?), …
In An Instant
“We regret to inform you,” the newsletter began. It was a stark reminder of how things can change in an instant. One of the bright lights in our community chamber of commerce had suddenly passed away. Change is a recurring theme in my work. How do we change? How do we heal? Doesn’t change take time? Aren’t habitual patterns hard to break? …
A Banana And A Tunnel
“Is it a lie?” my friend provoked? “It works for some people.” She was referring to my comment about a celebrity representing the “lie of diet and exercise.” I took pause. The more I teach my “Alignment” model for weight-loss, the more conscious I am of being in alignment and integrity in all areas of my life – including my choice of …
Your Thought Processes Create Your Reality
Ah…October…pretty colors, pumpkins and politics. Although I have to give props to anyone who has the courage to run for an elected office, I really don’t care much for campaign season. So to get through all the television ads, mailers and Facebook posts with my sanity intact, I turn it all into a little game. And what becomes apparent very …
The Athlete’s Secret
“I’m glad I cast an athlete,” my producer said to me half way through our commercial shoot. “I sure wouldn’t have the stamina to box all day.” Athlete?? I was flattered. I don’t consider myself an athlete. Yes, I bounce around my living room or play on my Pilates equipment on a regular basis, but I don’t I don’t excel …
The Five Steps
This article is in response to a special request from one of my readers. After last month’s ezine article, The Power of Acceptance, I received this e-mail: I have a bad case of celiac and many food allergies. I have not accepted that fact. I seem to get sick looking at food at times. I keep saying I want to …