The Cry For Help: A MasterClass

THE CRY FOR HELP – WILL IT “HELP?” Inspired by a “Cry For Help” on my Facebook feed, this episode defines and outlines the 5 Steps of the Happy Calories Don’t Count® model, demonstrates the shortcomings of the “Diet and Exercise” approach, and illustrates how the Happy Calories Don’t Count® principles create a sense of peace and freedom around food …

Law of Attraction, Weight Loss & Happy Calories Don’t Count®

CAN YOU USE LAW OF ATTRACTION TO LOSE WEIGHT? Is the Law of Attraction real? Does it work? Can it work for weight loss? This episode explores all things Law of Attraction – as it specifically relates to weight loss. It discusses the mind traps and fallacies that occur from the common misunderstandings and misapplication of the Law of Attraction …

Happy Calories® 101: Happiness is the Key

HAPPINESS IS FREEDOM FROM THE “DIET & EXERCISE” MODEL Part 2 of the Happy Calories® 101 Series… Happiness is freedom from the conventional, cultural “diet and exercise” model.  The “diet and exercise” model is the root of all of your pain, shame, drama and dysfunction surrounding food, exercise, your body and your weight because it demands that you disconnect from …