Food For Thought: Food Is Not A “Four-Letter” Word

FOOD IS NOT A BAD WORD WATCH THE EPISODE BELOW Food Is Not A “Four-Letter” Word.  Yes. Food does have four letters in it, but it is not a bad word.  We have all of this pain and dysfunction around food because of that diet and exercise model.  The diet and exercise model teaches us that we have to pay …

“Systems” of Weight Loss & Well-Being

OPTIMIZE YOUR FREEDOM, JOY AND RESULTS “Diet Drama Land” is everywhere and all around you. While some people are so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it (yes, I’m paraphrasing The Matrix) most people are simply unaware. The fundamental assumptions of the cultural, traditional “diet and exercise” model are constantly reinforced with general every day …

Food For Thought: Act Without Expectation

EXPECTATION IS THE ROOT OF ALL HEARTACHE WATCH THE EPISODE BELOW One simple way to get out of “Diet Drama Land” is to act without expectation.  Eat without expecting or assuming that what you eat is going to directly impact your body.  Exercise without expecting or assuming that what you do for exercise is going to directly impact your body.  …

Food For Thought: Your Body Is The Vehicle Through Which You Experience Life

YOUR BODY WILL BE WITH YOU FOR LIFE WATCH THE EPISODE BELOW Your body is not a problem to be solved. It is not a goal to be achieved. Your body is the vehicle through which you experience this life. Your body is your partner in relationship through this life. It has been with you from the moment you were …

“Science Geeks” & “Jesus Freaks” & Healing (with Happy Calories Don’t Count®)

FINDING GOOD ORDERLY DIRECTION Does the title of this podcast trigger or offend? That’s the underlying psychology of headlines and sound bites – to quickly create an emotional or visceral reaction (to prompt an action). The problem is that these headlines and sound bites have helped create a culture in which we quickly (and perhaps unconsciously) label each other – …

Food For Thought: Exercise Is NOT The “Price” You Pay To Eat

DITCH THE DIET & EXERCISE DRAMA WATCH THE EPISODE BELOW Exercise is not a penalty.  Exercise is not a punishment.  Exercise is not the “price” you pay to eat.  All of that dysfunction comes out of that diet and exercise model that suggests you do have to pay a price to eat – exercise or weight gain. That’s where the …

Food For Thought: The Fallacy That Keeps You Stuck

THE KEY TO HEALING YOUR PAIN AROUND YOUR BODY AND YOUR WEIGHT WATCH THE EPISODE BELOW Yes – you are absolutely responsible for what you eat and yes, you are absolutely responsible for what you do for exercise.  But the fact that you are RESPONSIBLE for what you eat and what you do for exercise DOES NOT MEAN that therefore …