Food For Thought: STOP Trying to “Love Your Body”

WHY KEEP MAKING THE SAME RESOLUTIONS YEAR AFTER YEAR? WATCH THE EPISODE BELOW Love cannot be compelled. Love cannot be coerced.  So stop trying to “love your body. ” stop trying to love yourself. Instead – just stop hating yourself. Stop hating your body. Stop doing all of those millions of little things that you do all day long – …

Back to Basics with Happy Calories Don’t Count®

HOW TO CREATE A BODY AND LIFE YOU LOVE! You will never be completely free from the anxiety of food, exercise and body drama – regardless of your current size or shape – as long as your efforts come from within the context of the fundamental base paradigm of the conventional, cultural “diet and exercise” model. That model is transaction-based, …

Food For Thought: No “Diet & Exercise” Resolution Needed

WHY KEEP MAKING THE SAME RESOLUTIONS YEAR AFTER YEAR? WATCH THE EPISODE BELOW Weight loss and fitness top the New Year’s Resolution list year after year after year. Why is that? Well I had heard once that resolution breaks down into “re-solution” resolve “re-solve” So you’re just solving the same darn problem over and over and over again!  And you …

When It’s Time To Put On The “Big Girl Pants”

HOW TO CULTIVATE PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT One of the basic, fundamental principles of psychology and personal growth is that no one can “make you feel bad” without your permission. Learning to embrace your personal power is a skill set worth pursuing. Furthermore, the skills and tools necessary to heal from pain and dysfunction around food, exercise, your body and your weight …

Gratitude And Other Food For Thought

AN “ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE” Gratitude is a concept that is thrown around a lot in the self-help and personal development communities. But what does it actually mean? How does one develop an “attitude of gratitude” when faced with challenging life situations? One thing that is not helpful is to diminish the emotions and frustrations around the “problem.” Adopting the sound …

Eat, Drink, Be Merry – And Fit Into Your Skinny Jeans

ENJOY THE HOLIDAY TREATS WHILE MAINTAINING YOUR WAISTLINE (AND SANITY) Ah the Holidays…  This is supposed to be a season of celebration and joy – however it is often a season of stress and anxiety dealing with the festivities, families and food. In this episode, learn how the 5 Steps of the Happy Calories Don’t Count® approach can help you …